Wednesday, October 6, 2010

percy jackson and the olympians: the lightning theif

At first when i saw the book percy jackson I thought that it was going to be a really boring book. Because, i never really read books that I really didn't like. But, I mean like that I did see the movie and liked it.But didn't think that the book wuold be as good as the movie. But  BOY WAS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The book was so good and also cool! It took me by surprise at first. Then it took me on like a REALLY WILD RIDE!!!!!! Now im up to the third book of percy jackson. That's how much i leraned to never, ever judge a book by it's cover, and also learned that how powerful a book could be.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are having such a good reading experience! Rick Riordan pulls from mythology...could be cool to research!
