Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My social connection to the world of Justice/Action/Change

         My social connection to the world for this week's blog is something that has been going on for quite a long time. It's called  "Child Abuse". If you don't know what child abuse is is considered as physical such as: shaking, beating burning or even biting a child. now I guess you know what is child abuse. It's not a very good thing. Back then when child abuse was going on. Nobody knew what to do. If they witnessed it. I find child abuse as a very bad thing. Because, if a parent hits a child. Then the abused child would learn from his/her parent.Because, they had parents that had only thinking ways of hitting they can't think of any other way to reason with their own kids. If they actually did something wrong.
       A parent that hits a child might think things as like little into to a big thing. Or in other words a little deal into a BIG,BIG deal over nothing. Also an parent that abuses a child might expect the child to act a lot more than their age. For example, 5-year-old kid might act in behavior as a mature young adult.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Percy Jackson: The Titan's Curse

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
         The third book of Percy Jackson  so far I really like this book because, it actually really is interesting book because, there is magic inside that I  really like. And once you read the book Percy Jackson you can never stop! So if I were you guys i would really just start reading this book. when I finished reading this book I basically just wished that the Greek Gods were real. But, of course it just wouldn't be real.
          Well, to look on the bright side you always have your thinking of imagination. And also fantasy books(fiction books).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters

Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters is the second book of the lightning theif. And still my #1 still very favorite book. Because, it explains the next adventure/quest of Percy Jackson and his friends set on their second quest to find the golden fleece to save the tree that once guarded Camp Half-Blood. It's really important to the camp because, it sets an invisible shied that only half-bloods can go through but no monsters or furies or...... at least it's anything besides a monster can only pass the tree and enter the camp. If Percy and his friends don't find the golden fleece quickly then you probably know what happens. Then all the monsters would be able to break into camp and attack camp.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

percy jackson and the olympians: the lightning theif

At first when i saw the book percy jackson I thought that it was going to be a really boring book. Because, i never really read books that I really didn't like. But, I mean like that I did see the movie and liked it.But didn't think that the book wuold be as good as the movie. But  BOY WAS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The book was so good and also cool! It took me by surprise at first. Then it took me on like a REALLY WILD RIDE!!!!!! Now im up to the third book of percy jackson. That's how much i leraned to never, ever judge a book by it's cover, and also learned that how powerful a book could be.