Thursday, January 20, 2011

My poem to a painting

Horses wild as they run
Swift as they run
They run like the wind
They run like majestic white horses
Hard to catch
Their manes are like grass
Slowly flipping and whipping in wind
as the wild horses run to their hearts content
Their powerful legs and hooves
hit the hard ground
like thunder and lightning in a thunderstorm

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My response to a poem

by Ciaran Carson

I fear the vast dimensions of eternity.
I fear the gap between the platform and the train.
I fear the onset of a murderous campaign.
1 fear the palpitations caused by too much tea.

I fear the drawn pistol of a rapparee.
I fear the books will not survive the acid rain.
I fear the ruler and the blackboard and the cane.
I fear the Jabberwock, whatever it might be.

I fear the bad decisions of a referee.
I fear the only recourse is to plead insane.
I fear the implications of a lawyer's fee.

I fear the gremlins that have colonized my brain.
I fear to read the small print of the guarantee.
And what else do I fear? Let me begin again.
My response to this poem is that I can relate to this poem in two different
ways. My first way that I could relate to this is that when I was a kid I was pretty
much a scaredy-cat. Because,I would scared of almost anything that my cousins told me that 
sounded pretty much very scary to me. If I was asked to write about my fears when I was a kid.
I would have probably filled up a page and a half full of my fears. 
My second way that I could relate to this poem is that I have two younger siblings that are 
pretty much the same as me when I was a little kid. They believe what they see on TV and what my cousins  
tell them that may seem scary to them. Their pretty much like me. 
I have to agree that this poem has rhyme and rhythm. Because, the lines rhyme 
every few lines. Rhythm because, every line begins with the words " I Fear". 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lionboy: The Chase By: Zizou Corder

           The second book of Lionboy gets even more intense than the first book. The second book is more like a clock game or something like a bomb. Because, Charles Ashanti is running out of time. By each day Charles gets more anxious about his parents. And, each day more danger increases for Charlie and the lions. Rafi Sadler was attacked by one of the six lions. He was attacked by one of the three lionesses of the six lions on the run. And, so he was held back on his plans to capture Charlie. Which was a good thing to give Charlie and the lions more time to escape.
           Charlie arrives in Venice to a hotel protected by King Boris's security guard. But, when he gets there Charlie is seperated with his lions. That, night Charlie creeps downstairs to eavesdrop on a conversation. But, during the eavesdroppping Charlie catches the word "lion.".
           Soon, Charlie gets a little suspicious about the seperation with his lions. And, he gets ready to escape with his lions.Again.
                                                                                                                         To Be Continued...............