Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Speak by: Laurie Halse Anderson #1

            The way that I would describe my character in the beginning is that she is certainly quiet. She talks to herself in her own mind. Very shy self-conscious and doesnt really want to talk to other people. It's as if that she's in this tiny box or either this tiny seed just waiting to sprout and blossom into a beautiful flower.Wants to escape to a quiet space where she can be by herself. With no one judging her or either anyone talking about her behind her back.
             The conflicts that Mel faces is that after she calls the cops on her last day of school party. She is blamed for her actions. Which I think is very unfair but, also I'm a little dissapointed that Mel didn't speak up saying that she was raped by the most ppular boy in her school.Andy Evans. But, when I think about it right now I think Mel had a point of not telling anyone about what had happened bevause, he's popular and she's not. Everybody would think that she was lying so that she could just blame it on someone else and to lift the burden off of her shoulders just like Atlas. And, she doesn't.
            The people that play a big part in my character's life is her friend Heatheer who is very active and cheerful. Her parents that encourage her but, in a scary type of way.