Monday, December 20, 2010

LionBoy by: Zizou Corder

          So, far I have been reading the book LionBoy by: Zizou Corder. So, far from what I know in the book where I got to. It's about a boy whose name is Charlie he has an extrodinary talent. His extrodinary talent is having the ability to speak cat. Charlies parents are professors. Charlie lived a very happy life with his parents. Until, six months later.
          Charlie was on his way from school. He did not see his parents or even hear them. And, so Charlie had to sadly conclude that his parents were kidnapped. Rafi a boy who did not really mind things much. Was the one that organized to kidnap Charlies parents. He tricked Charlie into going with him saying that his parents were at a business over sea. But, Charlie was clever enough to realize that Rafi was lying to him. So, early next day Charlie escaped.
          I find this book very interestiing. Because, it provides lots of details on whats happens on each page. It includes animals. Which I love ALOT!!!!! When Charlies parents disapeared. The author Zizou Corder elaborated on every detail on what was happening. What I like about the author was of how she elaborated on how Charlie felt and his feelings. And how panic-stricken he felt at the disappearence of his parents. Thats how I would feel if my parents disappeared.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Harry Potter: and The Half-Blood Prince

            The book Harry Potter the sixth is starting to get very in tense. Since, the Dark Lord Voldemort has risen again and starting to cause havoc with his Death Eater followers just like the past few years before he had fallen. This book is very intense because, Lord Voldemort is gaining control over the muggle world and also the wizarding world. Also, there have been various killings, including Amelia Bones and various other wizards. But, besides that Harry had suffered a terrrible loss. His godfather Sirius Black was eventually in a duel with his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange.
              So far in the book Albus Dumbledore came to take Harry away for the rest of the summer to spend his time in the Burrow where one of Harry's best friend lives. Ronald Weasley a.k.a. Ron Weasley. Harry takes private lessons with Dumbledore. In those lessons Dumbledore lets aharry into his memories. And, that is where when Dumbledore gives Harry his last lesson by destroying a Horcrux.
              Then Dumbledore dies at the end of the book. Which yes I know that everybody is upset about. Let us all greive for him!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

            So, far I have been reading the Harry Potter series. And, yes again! So far as much as I know from how far I read. Harry was walking with his cousin Dudley. And, just pissing Dudley off his rocker as usual. Then, when Dudley said that Harry had started to mutter in his sleep. Harry got pissed off and pointed his wand threateningly at Dudley.
            Harry, thought that he was not going to use a spell on his cousin. Well, eventually that was the least that he thought. While, Harry and Dudley was still arguing. Harry, sensed two dementors were closing in on them. Well, you see Harry isn't supposed to do magic out of the school until his last year of graduating at Hogwarts. So, eventually Harry had no choice but to do magic to save himself and his cousin as well.
           So, well Harry used the Patronus charm against the dementors against the dementors. After, supporting a stunned Dudley back home. Harry, gets a owl from the Ministry of Magic that he would have to go on trial due to him doing magic without magic. Also. the ministry of magic said that they had reached a decision to destroy his wand.
           While, the Dursleys are out the Order of Phoenix caomes to take Harry away and put him into hiding just to keep him safe until his trial with the Ministry of Magic.